This year's theme is based on what has been the soul of the Rethymnian Carnival since its inception – more than 100 years ago – through its revivals to the present day, making it one of the most significant and longest-standing cultural events in the country. If one word could characterize it, that would be “companionship.
Companionship has always been the reason for creating beautiful cultural events like the carnival. It was companionship that created and enhanced the carnival but was also created and strengthened through it.
In an era where alienation and loneliness erode our daily lives, the carnival groups are always the antidote. A joyful company was the one that revived the institution – 32 years ago – creating many other group-companionships, which brought it to its current form. παρέες-ομάδες, οι οποίες το έφτασαν στη σημερινή του μορφή.
As a catalyst every year, the Rethymnian Carnival becomes the reason for people of all ages, from all over Greece and the world, to meet. To pour into the welcoming alleys of our city and become one large group – locals and visitors alike – leaving technology and digital communication aside. To communicate up close, chat while jesting, and look into each other’s eyes rather than through a screen. To relive the carefree moments that groups enjoyed many years ago.
If the pandemic forced us to live alone, the carnival reminds us of the importance of “togetherness”.
Every discussion within the group becomes more interesting, every image becomes more colorful, every thought becomes more intricate! When you talk, all senses are activated. When you dance embraced with your group, you tie your hands and soul together with them. Because collective action opens the soul, unlocks imagination. It leads you to see things, not only through your own eyes but also through the eyes of your friends.
Rethymnian Carnival, the companionship that uplifts you!
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